Pastor: Fr. Savio Manavalan OFM Conv.
[email protected] 419-294-1268/812-230-1120 Pastoral Associate: Deacon Kevin Wintersteller [email protected] 419-295-0574 School Principal: Principal: Brittany Craddolph [email protected] 419-294-1395 School Secretary: Katie Anderson [email protected] 419-294-1395 Liturgical Music Coordinator: Mr. Alan Lortz [email protected] Business Manager: Mr. Patrick Hanna [email protected] 419-294-1268 Parish Secretary: Kayla Kain [email protected] 419-294-1268 Faith Formation & Enrichment Leader: Kayla Kain [email protected] 419-294-1268 Youth Ministers: Kara Frey Danielle Thiel 419-294-1268 Maintenance Coordinator: Mr. Leon Orians [email protected] 2022-2023 School Advisory Board: Stephanie Brant Scott Gelbaugh Bill Knapp Aaron Korte Stephanie Logsdon Brittany Schilling Nathan West Committee Chairpersons Pastoral Council Drew Rall 419-310-8055 Finance Council Paul Grygier 419-209-9834 Liturgy Committee Decon Wintersteller 419-295-0574 Facility Committee Leon Orians 419-294-1268 Ministries Care of Sick & Home Bound Parish Office 419-294-1268 Hospital Mark Droll 419-294-5387 Prayer Support Diana Gabriel-Rife 419-310-3491 Click HERE to view the current newsletter.
The school year fundraiser-Raise Right gift cards-returns with the beginning of school. Order forms are inserted into the bulletin, sent home with the oldest student in a family, or are available on St. Peter School’s website.Purchase of each gift card is at face value and the school receives a percentage of each purchase. More information is available on the back of this month’s order form. Visa debit cards, Walmart, Speedway, and Casey gift cards are a few of the cards available for your daily personal and gasoline purchases.Orders can be placed in the Mass collection basket or sent to school.
Next orders are due Mar. 3rd. Any questions can be directed to Marilyn Trachsel 419-679-8837. Click HERE to view/print an order form and to view more information about Raise Right. THE WELCOME COMMITTEE is offering a meal to new parents returning home from the hospital with your new-born miracle of life. This is an opportunity for the family not to have to worry about what to prepare for supper. Please call Mary Riedlinger or Joan Kincade if you would like to have a nice dinner with no cooking.