Eucharistic Ministry
It is with great awe and humility that we approach our mission, being what we are called to be, ministers of and to the Body of Christ. As part of the Body of Christ we are called to share His Most Precious Body and Blood. At the celebration of the Mass, where the bread and wine gifts are consecrated and transformed into His Body and Blood, we use our hands as His in the distribution of this wonderful gift to the faithful. Ministers to the Sick take His Consecrated Body from the table directly to the sick, infirmed and shut-ins. Along with the host where possible, we share scripture, daily readings and prayers with those who are unable to attend Mass. We also meet the needs of Holy Days, and special celebrations such as Thanksgiving and other holidays.
Should you feel called to this wonderful ministry, we would love to have you join us.
For more information, please contact:
Deacon Kevin Wintersteller 419-294-1268 [email protected]
It is with great awe and humility that we approach our mission, being what we are called to be, ministers of and to the Body of Christ. As part of the Body of Christ we are called to share His Most Precious Body and Blood. At the celebration of the Mass, where the bread and wine gifts are consecrated and transformed into His Body and Blood, we use our hands as His in the distribution of this wonderful gift to the faithful. Ministers to the Sick take His Consecrated Body from the table directly to the sick, infirmed and shut-ins. Along with the host where possible, we share scripture, daily readings and prayers with those who are unable to attend Mass. We also meet the needs of Holy Days, and special celebrations such as Thanksgiving and other holidays.
Should you feel called to this wonderful ministry, we would love to have you join us.
For more information, please contact:
Deacon Kevin Wintersteller 419-294-1268 [email protected]