Would You Like to Join the Catholic Church?
Joining the Catholic Church is a serious step. Transfiguration of the Lord Catholic Parish offers a process to those who may wish to join called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). There is a similar process for children called RCIC.
RCIA is a process through which non-baptized people enter the Church. It is also for those baptized in different faith traditions who wish to become Catholic or for baptized Catholics who are not confirmed. The process can last for several years or for a much shorter time. It allows those who may wish to join to be comfortable with their decision.
The steps of the RCIA:
Period of Evangelization – Usually held during the summer months
A time to ask questions about the Catholic Church
Pre-catechumenate – Usually starts in mid-September
This is additional time to ask questions and the beginning of the time of more formal instruction. After conversation with an advisor or spiritual guide, the person, known as an “inquirer” may decide to continue the process and seek acceptance into the Order of the Catechumens. The Rite of the Catechumen (Welcoming Rite) is celebrated around the first Sunday of Advent in the midst of the parish assembly.
The Catechumenate – Begins after the Welcoming Rite
The catechumen considers what God is saying to him or her in the Scriptures, what life changes he or she wants to make in responding to God’s inspiration, and what membership in the Church involves. When a catechumen and the parish team believe the person is ready to make a faith commitment to Jesus in the Catholic Church, the next step is a request for baptism. The names of those who have made this decision are presented to the bishop during the Rite of Election. This is held on the First Sunday of Lent.
Time of Purification and Enlightenment –
This is the final period leading up to the Rite of Initiation at the Easter Vigil Service. The “elect” learn more about the Scriptures, the sacraments, and the teachings of the Church.
Mystagogy –
This continues until Pentecost. New members (neophytes) reflect on their Easter Vigil experiences and continue to see how they can serve Christ and help in the Church’s mission and outreach activities.
If you would like to learn more about the RCIA process please call the parish office at 419-294-1268 or e-mail Deacon Kevin Wintersteller [email protected]